The Northwest Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of the City of Springfield, MO had EDI FlexAir™ MiniPanel™ diffuser system installed and operational for ten years. MiniPanel™ is a unique, fine pore, flexible membrane diffuser that provides superior operational flexibility and oxygen transfer efficiency compared to other membranes or rigid fine pore (ceramic) diffusers. SiteWorks™ – the aeration solutions and aftermarket services wing of Nexom and EDI - kept in touch with the customer through the local Rep – (currently, our feet on the ground in Missouri are the Ray Lindsey Company). When the time came for maintenance – the City of Springfield, MO entrusted the turn-key membrane replacement of their existing aeration diffuser system to SiteWorks™.

For this maintenance project,SiteWorks™ foreman Robert Rice and his crew went in and removed the existing membranes, checked the piping for any solids, inspected supports, and put on new membranes. The SiteWorks™ team made four separate trips for four tanks at the plant during the months of October and November 2017 to complete the work. The plant supervisor Mr. Bruce Hinkston was very happy with the service.

“It was our pleasure to work with EDI on this project. You have a great group of people”.

- Mr. Bruce Hinkston                     

SiteWorks™ is currently in talks with the Northwest Treatment Plant of Springfield, MO regarding a long-term maintenance contract for future evaluation, maintenance, service, and consulting at that plant.



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