Topic : Aeration works  

Aeration  Air Pressure  Aeration Works
Tahmid Hasan June 18, 2020

Sludge Removal and Diffuser Membrane Replacement WWT Lagoon at Proccessing Plant

In 1999, Environmental Dynamics International (EDI) installed a partial mix, submerged aeration system with EDI’s FlexAir™ MagnumTM Fine Bubble..

Aeration Works  Discharge Limits  upgrade
Tahmid Hasan June 2, 2020

AW System Upgrade at Bridgeport CT EDI Keeps Solving Unique Challenges

The City of Bridgeport, CT is another example of EDI’s ability to provide unique solutions to its clients.

The city is part of ‘Long Island..

Aeration Works
Tahmid Hasan June 2, 2020

Columbus, GA WRF: System Upgrade and Maintenance Program

The South Columbus Water Resources Facility, owned and run by Columbus Water Works (CWW), treats thewastewater coming from homes, businesses, and..

Aeration Works
Tahmid Hasan June 2, 2020

Duckett Creek WWTP: EDI Delivering on the ‘Aeration for Life’ Promise

In 1994, Environmental Dynamics International (EDI) upgraded the Aerobic Digestion system at the 5 MGD Duckett Creek WWTP near St. Charles, MO...

Aeration  Fine Bubble Aeration  Diffusers  Case Study  Aeration Works  Maintenance Service
Tahmid Hasan February 12, 2020

EDI Aeration for Life: Upgrades at California, MO WWTP

EDI’s performance-assessed turnkey aeration solution achieved all customer objectives for the new aeration system. The requirements included:

Aeration  Reduce Energy Consumption  Case Study  Flexair  Aeration Works  Increased Production
Tahmid Hasan February 12, 2020

Aerobic Treatment at Brakebush Brothers Inc. Chicken Products Manufacturing Plant; Westfield, WI

The private wastewater treatment facility at Brakebush Brothers Inc., a chicken products manufacturing plant, was doing a great job removing..

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